Goal $7,500
Fundraising for Cancer Council
Cancer Council
Shitbox Rally 2025 Winter
Our Story …

We are Steve and Aaron, a team of brothers who are very excited for the Winter 2025 Shitbox Rally! We will be driving a car worth less than $1,500 through the outback from Perth to Darwin (~4700k driving plus 3600km to get from Canberra to Perth) to raise money for Cancer Council.

Why would we volunteer for this challenge?

  1. To make a difference by raising money for the Cancer Council. The harsh truth is that Cancer sucks - It is hard to treat, the treatments are extremely unpleasant and it takes friends and family way too early. The good work of organisations like Cancer Council is leading to a predicted drop of 20% in the rate of people dying from cancer in Australia. However, more work needs to be done as our ageing and growing population is expected to lead to 47% more people diagnosed with cancer (4.56 million) and 36% more people dying of cancer (1.45 million) in the next 25 years compared to the last 25 years.
  2. Other that raising money this arduous journey is our "skin in the game" when we are asking for your support. Will we spend many nights fixing broken cars (ours and others)? Yep. May we find ourselves with an un-fixable car in the outback and needing to hitch a ride to Darwin? This is entirely possible.

The car we will be driving is a 2005 Honda Jazz.... unless it dies before we get to the start line. While it is a car that cost less than $1500 (including repairs) is worth far less as it is in poor enough condition that it is unlikely to ever be able to registered again for road use.

This will be Steve's 8th Shitbox Rally - He is a veteran of dodgy car fixes using whatever is available sometimes including beer cans and tennis balls. This is Aaron's first rally so he has the benefit of the optimism that comes from blissful ignorance.

We are so excited for this adventure, and we'd deeply appreciate any and all donations. Every dollar counts!

Thank you for your support of us and this great cause!

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Here's what I'm doing …

Shitbox Rally is the adventure of a lifetime challenging participants and their cars, worth no more than $1,500, on a 7 day drive across Australia to raise money for cancer research.

The rally is not a race – it’s a fun, colourful, unpredictable adventure with participants travelling at their own pace in smaller groups. Vehicles often break down but “we never leave anyone behind” and each night is spent camping beneath the stars and celebrating the day’s achievements. It all adds up to an incredible opportunity to see Australia’s vast and beautiful countryside and make lifelong friends, many brought together after experiencing cancer themselves or seeing cancer impact family and friends.

Since it’s inception the rally has been the largest fundraiser for the Cancer Council nationally.

donate now
raised: $711,000
target: $2,000,000
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Probably walking home Feed
showing 14 / 14
4 months ago
Probably walking home
Charlotte Johnston gave $100.00.
4 months ago
Probably walking home
Anonymous gave $200.00.
Woot! So excited for this!
4 months ago
Probably walking home
Anonymous gave $50.00.
Good luck team Smith!
4 months ago
Probably walking home
Pamela Smith gave $100.00.
4 months ago
Probably walking home
Sayuri Grady gave $100.00.
Go for it Smith Snr and Junior! I expect frequent photo updates!
1 week ago
Probably walking home
Like father, like daughter
<p>We have had to substitute in Aaron as a driver in place of Maddie (***sadface***).</p><p>While Maddie's skill and experience make her fully capable of driving in a Shitbox Rally, it turns out that her age (less than 21) and years of holding a driver's licence (she is on her "P"s) make her inelligable to be a driver in the 2025 Winter Shitbox Rally under the current terms and conditions [BOOO!].</p><p>The team name will be updated to remove the reference to "daughter" as Aaron is unwilling to dress and behave like a young female adult for the duration of the Rally [soft!].</p>
1 week ago
Probably walking home
Phil Vella gave $200.00.
Just send it !
1 week ago
Probably walking home
Rob Powell gave $100.00.
make sure there are pictures or it doesnt count, even if the car survives would be good to see Aaron walking anyway haha
6 days ago
Probably walking home
Jessica Robinson gave $100.00.
5 days ago
Probably walking home
Anonymous gave $220.00.
Great cause lads
5 days ago
Probably walking home
Anonymous gave $100.00.
5 days ago
Probably walking home
Pamela Smith gave $100.00.
5 days ago
Probably walking home
Kate McNamara gave $200.00.
Cant wait to hear about the adventures!
3 days ago
Probably walking home
Anonymous gave $1,960.00.
Team Sponsors
No sponsors added yet.
The Impact, Outcomes & Charity

Shitbox Rally is a dedicated fundraising event for cancer research with funds going to Cancer Council.

Cancer Council is one of the largest non-government funders of cancer research in Australia. We conduct and fund research studies across all cancers and all stages of the cancer journey.

Thanks to the community funds raised such as Shitbox Rally we can fund world-class research that reduces the impact of cancer for everyone.

$50 million over the past 15 years has been raised by Box Rallies to date, supporting ground-breaking projects such as:

  • A research study to develop a vaccine that protects against lymphoma cancers.
  • A research trial to standardise international guidelines on melanoma removal.
  • A research grant to revolutionise the treatment of pancreatic cancer.

These projects wouldn’t be possible without your support.